Avon Business Club Barn Dance for For-Ethiopia raised over £11,000

The barn dance, held in Bristol County Cricket Ground, was attended by 164 supporters, many of whom danced till late sporting checked shirts and cowboy boots.
Auction prizes included a week’s holiday in Florida and two full-length belted robes in pure white natural Ethiopian cotton with traditional embroidery.
Organiser Mandy Risso, said: “I have been overwhelmed by everyone’s generosity.
“It was an amazing night and I’d like to thank everyone who made the effort to come.”
The money raised will go towards capping two springs in the Addis Alem region of Ethiopia.
This work will be completed in 2019 and will bring fresh water to between 400 and 500 people.
For-Ethiopia is a Bristol-based charity that works with villages in Ethiopia with an aim to relieve poverty and sickness, to preserve and protect health and to advance education among the people of Ethiopia who are in need. In order to achieve these goals, the projects aim to carry out any work in the most sustainable way possible.
In the past 14 years, the charity has capped 4 springs and 11 wells have been constructed to provide safe and clean water for over 5,000 people.
To ensure the use of clean water is maximised, a total of 8 toilet blocks have also been constructed and regular training days on the importance of water, sanitation and hygiene also run within the communities.