Make your job application STAND OUT from the crowd

We understand that looking for a new job, can be, at times a full time job. Depending on the sector and level of job you are seeking, it could be a little harder to find your perfect job.
Pandemic or no pandemic, with the internet enabling multiple job applications, there are lots of responses to job adverts. So how do you make your job application stand out from the rest?
One of the most important factors is, of course, having experience and relevant qualifications for the job you are applying for. However, it won’t just be your work experience and education background the company will be looking for on your application. Do ensure you research the company a little and ensure your profile highlights why you should make the “candidates to meet” list. Ensure your relevant experience and interests that they are looking for in their future employee is listed.
Tailor your CV or cover letter
Make sure the experience they are looking for is on your CV, if it’s not they will assume you haven’t got what they are looking for. Look at their social media to see any recent developments or exciting things happening within the company and if relevant refer to it. By tailoring each cover letter and CV to each job application, you are showing your genuine interest and suitability (as well as your attention to detail)
Prepare for your interview
Getting the news you have an interview is fantastic, but it’s also where you can excel or fail and quite rightly it’s a nerve wrecking experience (especially if it’s your dream job). Taking the time to make sure you know where the company is based so you are on time (or making sure you have the best Wi-Fi and quiet part of your home to concentrate on the interview 100% – don’t forget to tell anyone at home you are ‘at an interview’) is important. Dress to impress, ensure you research the job (know why you would be great for the job and the company – they may ask you!). Why does the role interest you? Think of some questions to ask at the end (write them down if you think you may forget).
Stand out from the crowd
Whether it’s your research, your immaculate CV, your sparkly personality, your eagerness or experience, try and make sure they remember you. Try and keep nerves in check, it’s difficult we know, but often nerves will trip you up leaving you struggling to answer the simplest question. Remember it’s just as important you like them as them liking you and the skills and experience you have to offer.
Keep it socially professional
Companies will look at your online presence, ensure that it represents you in the way you would want. If you haven’t already do sign up to LinkedIn, it’s a great source of information for your research about companies and a lot more
But most of all, keep going, keep applying, keep positive and you will find your dream job. If you are looking for a job or you are an employer looking for your next employee, talk to Alexander Mae 0117 9055035 or Sam & Kim have been in recruiting in Bristol for more years than they care to remember and have built trusted relationships with both our clients and candidates.